Logo of QuickStay Rooms

House Rules

All residents staying in any property operated by QuickStay Private Limited, also known as QuickStay, are required to follow the House Rules (Rules). Failure to comply with these Rules will result in a breach of the Resident Agreement and may lead to termination of the agreement by QuickStay. Please note that QuickStay reserves the right to update these Rules at its sole discretion from time to time.

Building, Common area and Room Rules:

  1. Committing vandalism is considered a severe violation. This term encompasses all actions that involve causing destruction, harm, or alteration to any of QuickStay's assets or properties. If any residents are found guilty of engaging in such behaviour, they may face immediate eviction from the property and could be held responsible for covering all expenses incurred by QuickStay as a result of the damage or destruction caused.
  2. Any item/furniture present in common area(washing machine, framed wall mountings, microwave, etc.) provided by QuickStay as part of the amenities package, shall be used only in the common areas and not in individual rooms. In case of violation, tenant is liable to pay fine.
  3. Residents are not allowed to move any furniture or furnishings located in the common areas of the premises, at any time.
  4. Any damage to the room must be reported by the residents immediately to the QuickStay Representatives. The residents will be liable to pay for the expenses or costs arising from use/misuse of the same by the resident after 7 days of move-in, except for damages caused by normal wear and tear.
  5. The residents are obligated to safeguard their room and wardrobe keys. Lost keys shall be replaced at the expense of the resident. Alteration of locks for rooms or wardrobes is strictly prohibited.
  6. Residents are strictly directed to not litter or throw garbage in the common area, stairs, terrace area, or any building premises.
  7. Use of drugs/illegal substances inside the building premises is strictly prohibited.
  8. The rent payment is to be done till 5th of every month. Any late payment will be accepted along with the late payment fine of ₹100/day accordingly.
  9. Residents are responsible to ensure that common area gates are closed while entering/leaving the building premises.
  10. Common area utilities should be used with proper care. In case of any damage, the responsible resident will bear the damage/repair cost.

Conduct and Behaviour:

  1. The residents are prohibited from engaging in behaviour deemed offensive by neighbours or society, whether on the premises or in the surrounding areas.
  2. Any rude behaviour or discrimination on grounds of caste/colour/religion is not tolerated at QuickStay.
  3. The resident shall cooperate with the QuickStay Representative for getting his/her police verification, Rental agreement and any other compliance, as required by QuickStay, done timely.
  4. QuickStay treats all its employees and service providers with dignity and respect. It is expected that the residents also uphold this principle in their dealings with all QuickStay employees, representatives and service providers.

Water and Electricity Consumption:

  1. Residents must use water efficiently and promptly report any water leaks to QuickStay Representatives upon detection.
  2. The electricity bill must be paid by resident along with the monthly rental payment.
  3. In case of prepaid meters installed, the resident will be provided electricity recharge dashboard through which he/she/they can recharge as per their convenience. The rate/unit is decided based on location.

Security and safety:

  1. All the residents can enter the building premises by accessing the smart locks installed on the main entrance door through their respective access control cards issued to them at the time move-in.
  2. CCTV cameras are installed all over the building premises to ensure no unusual activities in the building 24*7.
  3. QuickStay is not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of the residents. The residents are strongly advised to keep their belongings safe & locked. While leaving the room or going on leave, it is the responsibility of the resident to ensure all their belongings are securely stored and locked in their cupboards. QuickStay would not entertain any claims for the loss/damage of any loose or unsecured belongings of the resident.
  4. QuickStay maintains a continuous and planned program for building repairs and maintenance. QuickStay retains the right to access and enter any room during a resident’s absence to perform such maintenance. This will occur under the supervision of Security or QuickStay representatives.
  5. Possession, distribution and use of firearms, lethal weapons (including air guns), illegal substances and hazardous material are strictly prohibited in the residences. We reserve the right to search bags of the residents as well as their visitors at any time and confiscate any prohibited substances that may be found in their luggage or in their possession.
  6. In case of any emergency, please contact the QuickStay representative. Important contact numbers will be provided to all residents at the time of move-in.
  7. QuickStay reserves the right to update or revise the safety and security House Rules at any time at its sole discretion.

Penalties & Fine:

  1. Damage to common area/facilities, fine will be imposed accordingly.
  2. Cleaning charges will be deducted from security deposit refund.
  3. Littering/throwing garbage in common area/building premises will lead to a fine of ₹500 per instance.
  4. In case of Room keys misplacement, the resident is liable to pay the required amount for new keys making.